Episode 38 – Join Antlerboy and JP in their first three-way.
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About the Podcast
Topic: Although fraught with great peril, our intrepid hosts open-up the podcast to call-ins. What can go wrong? Well, everything can go wrong. But in spite of the incredible odds, our first call-in episode went rather well. So well, in fact, that the call-in format will be our new standard format for the show. In this first call-in episode, we will discuss the challenges faced when authority to effect transformation does not exist, but only influence – and the various approaches that might work under such circumstances. And yes, we wade into geo-politics; starting with Brexit and moving to tariffs and the negative impact on businesses and their behavior when a lack of predictability exists.
Hosts: | Joseph Paris, Founder of the OpEx Society & The XONITEK Group of Companies |
Benjamin Taylor, Managing Partner of RedQuadrant. |
Guests: A few call-in guests.