episode 53 ladies night

Episode – 53; Lady’s Night

Recorded: July 14, 2020 About the podcast Topic: Okay, the notion was noble, but the presentation might have been better.  If this was an episode of Master Chef with Antlerboy and JP being the wanna-be cooks, we would certainly have presented a repulsive-looking dish, but it tasted darn good. So here’s the story;  Antlerboy and JP had noticed that all of the guests at The…

odd one out

Episode 27 – Being an outsider with an eye for variation!

About the Podcast Topic:  Luca Willington has been in a position where she had to take a different perspective many times – as one of the first yogis in post-communist Romania, as an entrepreneur successfully breaking into the multi-billion international skin-care industry with natural, un-emulsified products, and also as a new arrival in Britain back in 1999. Perhaps it’s unsurprising, then, that when she heard…